The Canadian Red Cross suggests the following kits and contents.
First Aid Kit
Keep a first aid kit readily available in your home, cottage, car, boat, workplace, and recreation area. Store it in a dry place and replace used or outdated contents regularly.
A first aid kit should contain the following:
Emergency telephone numbers for EMS/9-1-1, your local poison control centre, and your personal doctors
Home and office phone numbers for family members, friends, or neighbours who can help
Sterile gauze pads (dressings) in small and large squares to place over wounds
Adhesive tape
Roller and triangular bandages to hold dressings in place or to make an arm sling
Adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
Safety pins
Instant ice packs
Disposable non-latex gloves, such as surgical or examination gloves
Flashlight, with extra batteries in a separate bag
Antiseptic wipes or soap
Pencil and pad
Emergency blanket
Eye patches
Barrier devices, such as a pocket mask or face shield
Coins for pay phone
Canadian Red Cross first aid manual
Emergency Supplies Kit
Have supplies ready for an emergency. Store them in a backpack or a duffle bag so you can take them with you if you have to evacuate the area.
Four litres of water per person per day (use sealed, unbreakable containers and replace the supply every six months)
Packaged or canned food that won’t go bad, and a can opener (replace the food once a year)
Walking shoes, rain gear, and a change of clothing
Blankets or sleeping bags
A first aid kit and prescription medications (check the medications every six months to make sure they haven’t passed their expiry date)
Toilet paper and other personal supplies
An extra pair of glasses
A battery-powered radio and flashlight, along with extra batteries
Spare cash
An extra set of car keys
A list of your family doctors
Important family information such as a list of any medical conditions or medical devices, such as pacemakers
Photocopies of all important identification for you and your family, including health card numbers
Special items for babies, elderly, or disabled household members
Cell phone and contact information for family and friends
Emergency Car Kit
Keep an emergency kit in your car.
A battery-powered radio and flashlight, with extra batteries
A blanket
Booster (jumper) cables
A fire extinguisher
A first aid kit and manual
Bottled water and high-energy foods that won’t go bad (replace the water every six months and the food once a year)
Maps of the area
A shovel
A tire repair kit and pump
Matches and a “survival” candle in a deep can that will burn for many hours